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Payback (Viking Bastards MC) Page 11

  “You okay?” Gage’s voice penetrates the panic swirling through my head, and I take a deep breath. I need to get us out of here without raising his suspicion. And I need to clear the air between us.

  Tonight. Well, tomorrow morning. It’ll be easier when we’re both glowing from a night of sex.

  “Yes, sure.” I snuggle into him so he’s less likely to catch sight of the Wolves. Obviously, they’re welcome here, but I sure as hell don’t want Gage introducing me to them.

  Before I realize his intention, he lifts me off his lap as he stands, and threads his fingers through mine. “Let’s dance.”

  There’s nothing I’d love more than to dance with him, but it means we have to walk right by the Wolves. Then again, we’d have to walk the same way if we were leaving the club. My stomach pitches, but there’s not a lot I can do about it.

  They turn around as we approach, and Gage’s fingers tighten around mine. It’s obvious, to me at least, that he’s not happy they’re here, but he gives them the nod as we pass by. Without an introduction. Thank God.

  On the dance floor, he pulls me close, and I wind my arms around his neck. “Has everyone seen me now?”

  He grunts in apparent approval of how I know exactly what he’s up to. “Not everyone. But enough. Don’t even think about trying to escape.”

  “I was thinking more about your rep. Are you sure you’re ready to let everyone know you’re my man?”

  He laughs, a low sexy sound for my ears only. “One day you’re going to tell me how you know so much about my rep.”

  I stroke his powerful shoulders through the warm leather of his cut. “I don’t know much about you at all. I guess you might not have slept with so many girls you can’t even remember their names. If so, my bad.”

  “I remember yours. That’s all that matters.” His hand glides down my back and grasps my ass. “You know what I’m doing tonight, don’t you?” It’s not a question. It’s a statement of fact, and I shiver with a combination of anticipation and nerves.

  I slide my fingers into the back pockets of his jeans. Even through our clothes the heat of his body wraps around me, and the scent of leather and bikes makes me dizzy.

  “Why don’t you remind me?” Whoa, is that really my voice? I sound all kinds of sultry.

  He obviously thinks so, too, if the way his cock jerks against my stomach is any indication. I wriggle my hips for some friction, and his strangled groan is the best sound ever.

  “Keep doing that and we won’t even make it back home.”

  “Oooh,” I breathe against his mouth. “Promises. Closet exhibitionist, are you?”

  “I’m not fucking you in public.”

  “Well, there’s a relief.”

  “Don’t laugh. I’m serious.”

  I know he is, and I can’t help my evil grin. “I’ve never done it in front of an audience before.”

  He bares his teeth like a feral Neanderthal, and I love it. “You’re not going to, either. I’m not having any other guy see you naked.”

  “We don’t have to get totally naked.”

  “Baby, you’re going to be totally naked on your hands and knees before I’ve finished with you tonight. And I’m the only one who’s going to see you.”

  “I guess I can live with that.”

  “You better. I’m not giving you any options.”

  I don’t bother hiding my mocking smile. “So, no more quickies in the side alley, then?”

  He rubs my ass in a blatantly proprietorial gesture, and my lady parts are horny as hell. “If we’re the only ones using it.”

  “So, is there a side alley here?” I don’t know why I’m winding him up so much. I’d much rather go back to his apartment where it’s warm and dry and I can stay all night, but his possessive streak is just too adorable.

  “There’s Ty’s office.”

  I go onto my toes and whisper in Gage’s ear. “I’ve never done it in an office before, either.”

  His laugh sounds more like a groan. “I’m not screwing your tight little ass for the first time in Ty’s office.”

  I’d almost forgotten about that. Almost. I give a theatrical shiver. “That’s probably a good thing. I might not be able to sit on your Harley afterward.”

  His grin is downright lethal, and I have the urge to sink onto my hands and knees already. “You’re not going to be able to do anything afterward. That’s a promise.”

  I believe him, and my flirty banter dries up. Not that it matters, since he wheels us about, his arm slung around my shoulders, and leads me toward the stairs.

  Another Bastard appears by our side, and Gage halts, cursing under his breath. “Hawk, man. Didn’t think you were coming.”

  “Got held up.” Hawk gives me a smile, the kind you’d give a sister…or your brother’s girl. “Can we talk?”

  “Sure.” Gage glances at me. It’s obvious whatever they need to talk about can’t be done in front of me, and I’m ridiculously touched that he didn’t just tell me to go.

  “I’ll go up and collect my jacket.” I pull away from him, and his hand slides down my arm before briefly manacling my wrist, as though he’s reluctant to break contact.

  “This won’t take long.”

  He watches me climb the stairs, and I put a little extra wiggle on for his benefit. I’m still smiling as I reach the lobby and retrieve my jacket.

  I fluff up my hair in front of the mirror and am just about to wrap the scarf around my neck when a tall figure in a long, black coat moves out of the shadows behind me, his creepy bloodshot eyes fixed on me. Jesus, what the fuck? If I wasn’t staring at his reflection, I’d think it was a real live vampire.

  Vampires aren’t alive. Whatever. I swing around, heart pounding, and Rex looms over me, a manic smile on his face. A shudder crawls along my spine at his black and broken teeth. He looks even worse than the last time I saw him, and I take an involuntary step back until I’m flat against the mirror.

  “Are you ignoring me, Amy?”

  “Stop texting me,” I hiss, glancing around to make sure Gage isn’t coming up the stairs. “I told you, I’m not going through with it. I don’t even believe they’re doing anything illegal.”

  “You’re doing great,” he says, which doesn’t make sense given what I just told him. His leg’s jiggling like he can’t keep still, and it’s freaking me out.

  “Just go.” I don’t push him toward the door, though. I don’t want to touch him at all. “It’s over. Don’t contact me again.”

  His crazy smile vanishes, and he grabs my arm, his fingers digging into me as though he wants to gouge the flesh from my bones.

  “It’s not over until I say it is, Amy Crane.” He grinds the words between his teeth, and nerves spike through me—not at what Rex might do to me, but what’ll happen if he’s still here when Gage comes back.

  That’ll be a nightmare to explain. Why did Rex have to turn up tonight? One more day and it wouldn’t have mattered.

  “All right.” I keep my voice low, as we’re attracting attention and the last thing I need is for someone to go find Gage. “Look, we’ll talk about it tomorrow, okay? I’ll call you.” The hell I will, but I’ll say anything to make him leave. And tomorrow Gage will know everything, so there’ll be no more secrets to hide.

  Rex jerks me toward him, and he’s hurting my arm. If not for the fact I don’t want to cause a scene here, I’d stamp my heel right through his damn foot.

  And then the world goes to shit. Gage rips Rex from me and slams him against the wall, choking him with one hand.

  “Gage.” I sound like I’m the one who’s choking. Not that he takes any notice of me.

  “Keep your fucking hands off my girl.” Gage narrows his eyes. “I’ve seen you before. Hanging around where she works.”

  I never saw Rex while I was at work. What’s Gage talking about? A chill slithers along my spine. Has Rex been stalking me?

  “Pretty little Amy,” Rex slurs, like he’s completely out o
f it. “Such a great lay.”

  I stare at Rex, as my stomach churns with a mix of horror and revulsion. What’s he doing?

  “Shut up, you fucking crackhead.” Gage looks murderous. No one tries to stop him. “I know who you are. Rex Abbott. You got a death wish or what?”

  I’d forgotten Gage probably knew who Rex was, but it’s still a jolt when he says his name. I’ve no idea what other shit Rex might be planning, but I sure as hell don’t want to hang around to find out.

  “Gage.” I clutch his arm and try to pull him away before he crushes Rex’s windpipe. It’s like trying to shift a mountain.

  “You stay there.” He doesn’t take his gaze from Rex as he speaks. “No one talks about you like that.”

  When it was just the two of us messing around, his machismo was cute. Out here in the real world, it’s anything but. From the corner of my eye I see not only a couple of brothers from Gage’s club, but also the two from the Wolves. None of them will interfere. It’s a matter of pride for Gage to put Rex in his place, to defend the honor of his woman and show any casual onlooker what you get if you mess with a Bastard.

  My face is blazing, even though no one’s looking at me. So much for my plan to tell Gage the truth when we were both basking in the morning-after-the-night-before sexual glow. I just hope he waits until we’re alone before he asks how I know Rex, because I sure don’t want to tell him in front of an audience.

  “She’s good, isn’t she?” Rex wraps his hands around Gage’s forearm but it doesn’t get him anywhere. “Sleeping with the enemy on command. Got to admire that kind of commitment—”

  Gage swings him around, and Rex sprawls on the floor, which at least shuts him up. The music thumps through my head, but I don’t know if it’s loud enough to muffle the garbage coming out of his mouth. God, I hope so. I just want to sink through the floor and disappear.

  Gage crouches down, his face only inches from Rex.

  “If I see you sniffing around her again, you’re a dead man.” The way he says it, in that cold, flat tone, is the scariest thing I’ve ever heard. Then he straightens, takes my hand, and everyone backs off as he strolls out of the club as though he owns it.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Amelia’s shivering so hard as we leave the Hammer that another wave of fury scorches through me. I should’ve made sure she was safe from Rex Abbott, and instead he managed to scare the shit out of her in the Bastards own territory. It’s no excuse that he barely resembles the photos Zach sent me. I saw him hanging about outside the diner, and I should’ve followed up on my hunch.

  Once we’re outside, I wrap both arms around her and pull her close.

  “Don’t worry about him.” My voice is gruff. “He’s not gonna hurt you.”

  She clutches my T-shirt. “What he said back there. It’s not true. I’ve never been with him.”

  Why’s she worried I’d believe that? “I know that. He’s out of his fucking mind.” He looks half dead, not that I give a shit. He might be a pathetic asshole, and surviving on crack, but that won’t stop me helping him on his way if he even looks at Amelia again. “I’m sorry you were caught up in that. It shouldn’t have happened.”

  Too right it shouldn’t. When Ty finds out Abbott got through his security, heads will roll.

  She looks at me as though she doesn’t understand what I’m saying. “He came out of nowhere. I’m so sorry, Gage. I didn’t mean to cause a big scene in front of everyone.”

  “It’s not your fault.” I hug her tighter in the hope that it’ll stop her shaking. Christ, is she going into shock or something? “This is something between the Bastards and Wolves. It goes back years.” She’s smart; she’ll understand what I’m saying and leave it at that.

  “We need to talk about it.” Her voice is muffled against my shoulder, and I suck in a deep breath. Did I really think she’d let it go? Except this is club business, and we don’t discuss club business with chicks. Hell, most girls wouldn’t even dream of questioning me about what just happened.

  She’s not most girls, though. And even though I don’t want to talk about it with her, I know I will. She deserves that much from me, after Abbott screwed up her night.

  “Not right now.” I need to get her home, and fast. “Later. Okay?”

  “Okay.” She sounds reluctant, as if she’s having second thoughts. “Just promise me you won’t get too mad.”

  I give a grim laugh as we make our way to my Harley. “Can’t promise that. But I won’t get mad at you.”


  Odin’s is still open when we arrive, but I take Amelia down the side alley to the private door to the apartment. I don’t even make a joke about having a quickie outside, since she’s still jittery and clings to my hand like she’s never going to let go.

  Not that I mind. It’s just the reason why she’s doing it that pisses me off.

  At least Tod won’t be interrupting us. I told him to find somewhere else to crash tonight, with the clear implication his days living here rent-free are numbered.

  Once we’re inside, Amelia stands in front of the heater in the living room, her arms wrapped around her waist. She’s wound up tighter than a spring. So much for my plans to give her a great date so she’ll be mellow and relaxed, ready for tonight.

  I pour double shots of whiskey and hand her one. “Get that down you.”

  She sips it and pulls a face, but doesn’t stop drinking. I finish mine in two gulps, shrug off my cut, and fold it over the back of the couch.

  “This is disgusting.” She wrinkles her nose and takes another sip before handing the glass back to me. “So, um. About Rex Abbott—”

  No fucking way are we talking about that dipshit tonight, and I slam the glasses onto the coffee table. “Stop.” I press my finger against her lips, and she blinks up at me, and it’s crazy how adorable that is. “Not now, Amelia.”

  “Yes, but—”

  Christ, what is it with this chick? There’s only one way I know to shut her up. I claim her mouth, and her soft sigh pushes the last of my irritation with Abbott to the back of my mind.

  I ease her jacket off her shoulders, and it drops to the floor before I slowly tug the silky scarf from around her throat. The buttons on her sexy top undo easily, and I slide it over her arms. She pulls it off her wrists, and I catch sight of a couple of angry red marks on her pale skin.

  “What the hell.” I grab her wrist, and despite the rage pumping through me that Abbott dared to touch her, gently trace my finger over her arm. “He’ll pay for hurting you.”

  “It doesn’t hurt. I bruise easily, that’s all.” She tries to tug free, but she’s not going anywhere. I kiss her injuries and force the image of smashing Abbott’s face to a pulp from my mind. Not going to think about him tonight. This is all about Amelia. And when she rakes her fingers through my hair and sighs, it’s easy to forget about everything but her.

  I lift her into my arms, and she wraps herself around me. She’s so tiny and fragile, and another wave of anger against Abbott whips through me. If I hadn’t been there to protect her—I crush the thought. Not going there.

  In my room, I lower her onto the bed, and as I strip she wriggles out of her clothes. Best show I’ve ever watched. “You better not do that for anyone else.”

  “Do what?” Her thong hangs from one finger as she gives me the sweetest smile. “This?” She tosses the scrap of lace aside, and presses her thighs together, hiding her pussy.

  I drop a rubber within easy reach and join her on the bed, trapping her beneath me. “Any of it.”

  She winds her arms around my neck before tracing her hands over my shoulders and biceps, as though she’s worshipping my rock-hard muscles. “Give me a reason not to.”

  “You’re playing with fire.” I kiss her throat, using my tongue and teeth, and she gasps and arches her body, her nails digging into me. “I’ll give you plenty of reasons. All night long.”

  She drags her nails down my back, and I s
uck hard on her nipple. Fuck, I love playing with her tits, and when she grabs my ass, it’s hard not to just sink right into her soft, hot body.

  Not yet. I shift down and kiss her tat, and she wriggles, her fingers gripping my hair. She doesn’t let go when I move between her legs and drink in the sight of her gorgeous pussy, her lips all swollen and spread open for me.

  “Jesus, Gage. Just do me already.” Her demand is breathless and so hot it takes all my self-control not to grab the rubber. But I have plans, and I’ll stick to them if it kills me.

  “I’m gonna do you so hard you won’t be able to leave this bed.” I give her a feral grin before dipping my head and teasing her wet slit with my tongue.

  She bucks and groans, and I push in deeper, tongue-fucking her. I slide my hands beneath her ass, holding her still, and kiss her clit, long and hard, until her choked cries fill my head.

  She’s close, and I roll on the rubber without taking my eyes off her writhing body. I push her legs up, over my shoulders, and thrust into her. Her harsh breathing and the way she claws my chest drives me out of my mind, but I have to hold on. Have to stay in control.

  I ram into her, faster, harder, and when she comes, I nearly lose my damn mind. I grit my teeth and tense my muscles, sweat slicking my skin, but I won’t give in. She’s still convulsing around me when I withdraw, and that’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done.

  “You ready, baby?” It’s not really a question, and I don’t expect an answer, but she gives me an exhausted smile anyway. I roll her over, and her naked back and cute ass take my fucking breath away.

  I shove a pillow under her hips. “Gage,” she pants, and I lean over her so we’re check to cheek, my dick pressed tight against the small of her back. “What do I need to do?”

  “Nothing.” I kiss her nose and eyelid and briefly bury my face in her hair. I’ve never had a girl ask me that before, and it gives me a weird, warm glow in the middle of my chest. “You just stay there and let me take your sweet little ass and make it mine.”

  She shudders and fists her hands in the sheet. “I don’t know how you’re going to get it in there but…okay.”